NeuroTimone Facility (PFNT)

The PFNT Facility is a coherent set of exploration tools in neurobiology allowing research at the molecular, cellular and integrated levels.


  1. Semaine du cerveau 2021 : Notre cerveau : des neurones… et quoi d’autre ?  

    La 22ème édition de la « Semaine du Cerveau » s’adapte à la pandémie ! Plusieurs chercheurs de l’INP (Caroline Strube, Olivier Bosler et Anne-Marie François-Bellan) membres de l’association « cerveau point comm » participent à l’organisation au niveau régional de la Semaine du Cerveau, une manifestation internationale grand public coordonnée en France par la Société des Neurosciences.

  2. L'équipe GlioME fière de la nomination de Chiara Bastiancich au Prix Départemental pour la recherche, section Jeune Chercheur

    Mardi 16 février 2021, Chiara Bastiancich, Post-doc dans l'équipe GlioME faisait partie des 3 nominés en lice pour le prix "Jeune Chercheur" au 5ème Prix Départemental de la recherche en Provence organisé par le Département des Bouches du Rhône.

  3. Dominic Bingham (NeuroCyto team) at Neurobinar #5

    On February 18 at 4 pm, come and discover the work of Pierre-Yves Jacob (LNC), Lucas Goirand-Lopez (INMED) and Dominic Bingham (INP, NeuroCyto team). Dominic Bingham and Lucas Goirand-Lopez will introduce their respective PhD in a cross-presentation. After a question session for PhD students, Pierre-Yves Jacob will share with us his research on the brain network underlying spatial navigation (displacement, orientation) in complex environments.

  4. De "nouvelles têtes" dans l'équipe GlioME !

    L'équipe GlioME a le plaisir d'accueillir actuellement 3 nouveaux étudiants (de gauche à droite sur la photo):

    - Victoria Hein, doctorante en 1ère année, qui débute sa thèse sur le thème "Cellules souches de glioblastome et gangliosides : vers de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques", co-encadrée par Emeline Tabouret et Dominique Figarella-Branger.

  5. Christophe Leterrier (NeuroCyto team) in Nature Materials

    Christophe Leterrier from the NeuroCyto team just published a study in collaboration with the Cytomorpho lab  - Manuel Théry & Laurent Blanchoin, CEA Paris/Grenoble. Entitled “Self-repair protects microtubules from destruction by molecular motors”, this work demonstrates how motor proteins kinesins and dynein can damage microtubule while walking on them, triggering repair by incorporation of new tubulin monomers inside the microtubule lattice. It was published on Jan.

  6. Dominika Pilat (Team 1) on the Neurobinar #4 (NeuroMarseille) !

    Dominika Pilat will be presenting on the Neurobinar #4 on January 21 at 4 pm on Zoom.

    For this fourth edition, NeuroMarseille is pleased to welcome Cédric Maurange (IBDM), Dominika Pilat (INP) and Borloz Émilie (MMG). Dominika Pilat and Borloz Émilie will introduce their respective theses in a cross presentation. After a question session, Cédric Maurange (IBDM) will explain his research on genetic programmes modifying the properties of neural stem cells during development.

  7. INP goes green !

    When you say New Year, you say new resolutions! 
    Increasingly present at the heart of debates and minds, ecology is part of our daily lives and it is our duty to do everything we can to reduce our ecological footprint. The INP has decided to be mobilized for ecology, at its own level. 

    To begin with, we have set up a plastic bottle collection system to recycle our bottles in a short circuit. This is done via the collection system proposed by the company Yoyo, which guarantees delivery to the nearest recycling plant for 100% recycling! We have three collection points on our premises (salle de convivialité R+3, R+1 et R+2 vert). 

  8. Christophe Leterrier (NeuroCyto team) in the Journal of Neuroscience: “A Pictorial History of the Neuronal Cytoskeleton”

    Christophe Leterrier, leader of the NeuroCyto team, just published a special review for the 40th anniversary issue of the Journal of Neuroscience. Entitled “A Pictorial History of the Neuronal Cytoskeleton”, it is a journey through the history of the neuronal cytoskeleton in pictures.


INP in numbers

  • 126 members
  • 44 researchers
  • 48 research assistants
  • 12 post-docs
  • 11 PhD


INP participation to AMU's 1st Digital Sciences and AI for Health conference

On November 25 and 26, the conference "Digital Sciences and Artificial Intelligence for Health at Aix-Marseille University" was held in the Grisoli amphitheater & the Great Hall of the Faculty of Medical and Paramedical Sciences - Timone. 

The aim of this conference was to formally bring together for the first time all the actors of Aix-Marseille University and the University Hospital Center involved in the digital and AI/health field, whether they are clinicians or theoreticians. 


L'institut TranceScience, présidé par François Féron, dans Le Monde

Plusieurs chercheurs de la communauté marseillaise des neurosciences, notamment l’équipe d’Agnès Trébuchon, mènent des recherches sur les fondamentaux et les effets thérapeutiques de la transe cognitive auto-induite. Tout comme l’hypnose ou la méditation, il s’agit d’un état modifié de conscience, induit par la seule volonté de chacun.


New Post-doctoral fellow in team 1

Neural Plasticity and Degeneration team has recently welcomed Shweta SONAWANE.

Shweta is from Mumbai (India) she did her Ph.D. at the Biochemical sciences division of CSIR - National Chemical Laboratory in Pune (India).

Her doctoral research was largely focused on Tau pathology in Alzheimer’s disease studying in particular the effect of glycated and phosphorylated Tau on cytoskeleton integrity as well as aggregation propensity in order to find small molecules that could attenuate Tau aggregation and prevent its glycation.


Just out: NeuroCyto team in Science

The NeuroCyto team has a new publication out! Published on November 5th in Science, this article elucidates how adenosine A2A receptors drive removal of inhibitory synapses depending on their activity. This is a fruitful collaboration with the labs of Sabine Lévi at Institut du Fer à Moulin (IFM) in Paris and Christophe Bernard at Institut de Neuroscience des Systèmes (INS) in Marseille.


New article from the NeuroCyto Team in Neuron

The NeuroCyto team has a new publication out! Published on Sep. 15 in Neuron, this article reveals how clathrin is slowly transported along axons by forming transport packets that are then docked at presynapses where they can dynamically supply clathrin for synaptic function. This is another episode of the long-standing collaboration between the NeuroCyto team and the lab of Subhojit Roy at UCSD. Read the article here:


Poste pourvu : Technicien-ne biologiste INP

L’institut de NeuroPhysiopathologie (INP) CNRS UMR_7051 est un centre d’excellence de formation et de recherche au sein de Aix-Marseille Université (site Timone) qui combine la recherche fondamentale et translationnelle pour étudier l’organisation, la fonction et l’interaction des cellules neuronales, ainsi que les bases moléculaires et cellulaires des principales maladies du cerveau.

La force de l’INP

Développer des stratégies thérapeutiques cellulaires et moléculaires innovantes.

Rejoignez-nous ! 


La magie de la fée bleue a une fois de plus opéré

Nadia Coliac a été l’auteure, metteuse en scène et scénographe d’une expérience théâtrale bioluminescente qui a eu lieu le 19 octobre dernier à Paris sur la scène des arts et des sciences du théâtre de la Reine Blanche. Une expérience grandeur nature d'éclairer tout un théâtre uniquement avec la lumière vivante qui a captivé le public, ce fut un moment magique !


Romain La Rocca giving a talk in EuroTau 2021 meeting

Romain La Rocca, former member of INP team 9, shared the stage of EuroTau meeting in Lille's Grand Palais with Illana Gozes (Israel), Cláudio M. Gomes (Portugal), Amandine Grimm (Switzerland), Yann Fichou (France), Marina Rierola (Germany), Laura Vallés Saiz (Spain), Marie Galas (France) and Mahmoud Maina (UK / USA) during Session #3 chaired by Isabelle Landrieu & Yann Fichou.

He presented his PhD work on the Three zinc binding sites of Tau and their role in tau aggregation and little bit of the perspectives Dahbia Yatoui is currently working on right now.

