NeuroTimone Facility (PFNT)

The PFNT Facility is a coherent set of exploration tools in neurobiology allowing research at the molecular, cellular and integrated levels.


  1. Aurélie Tchoghandjian, jeune chercheur dans l'équipe GlioME a brillament obtenu son Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR)

    Aurélie Tchoghandjian a soutenu son Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR) devant un jury d'experts composé de cliniciens : Pr. Nicolas André, Pr. François Ducray, Pr. Dominique Figarella-Branger; et de chercheurs : Dr. Emmanuelle Huillard et Dr. Monique Dontenwill.

  2. New publication from Sylvie Carmona (Neuro-inflammation and Multiple Sclerosis team - INP team 5)

    As part of her PhD, Sylvie Carmona investigated the beneficial effects of NV669, an aminosterol derived from squalamine on human pancreatic and hepatic cancer models. In vitro results exposed in this paper showed that NV669 inhibited the proliferation of cancer cells, induced cell cycle arrest and subsequent apoptosis. Moreover, NV669 inhibited PTP1B activity and impacted adhesion molecules expression. This suggests that NV669 by inhibiting PTP1B would affect cell contacts and would induce apoptosis.

  3. L'équipe NeuroCyto dans La Provence
  4. Deux nouveaux arrivants dans l'équipe GlioME

    L'équipe 8 (GlioME) a le plaisir d'accueillir deux étudiants en Master 2, Anaïs Arathni étudiante en Master Biologie Santé et Emmanuel Snacel-Fazy étudiant en Master Neurosciences. Anaïs travaillera avec Aurélie Tchoghandjian sur la caractérisation des cellules immunitaires recrutées sur le site tumoral suite au traitement par mimétiques de Smac. Emmanuel travaillera avec Chiara Bastiancich sur le microenvironnement de la résection tumorale du glioblastome.

  5. A commentary from Christophe Leterrier in the Journal of Cell Biology

    Christophe Leterrier, leader of the NeuroCyto ATIP team, wrote a Spotlight in the Journal of Cell Biology highlighting a nice recent paper from the group of Pei-Lin Cheng in Taiwan. In this article, Lee et al. showed how degradation of the chloride transporter NKCC1 by proteasomes anchored at the AIS have a key role in lowering the intracellular chloride concentration, leading to the perinatal reversal of GABA effect from excitatory to inhibitory.

  6. 2019 Retrospective: D. Figarella-Branger from the GlioME team was involved in 5 reference articles on pediatric brain tumours

    Thanks to her expertise in the diagnosis of central nervous system tumours arising in children and young adults, Dominique Figarella-Branger from the GlioME team (Team 8) was involved last year in 5 articles published in high-impact factor journals (>18). These articles are becoming references in this field:

    - The molecular landscape of ETMR at diagnosis and relapse. Nature. 2019 Dec;576(7786):274-280. PMID: 31802000

    - EANO-EURACAN clinical practice guideline for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of post-pubertal and adult patients with medulloblastoma. Lancet Oncol. 2019 Dec;20(12):e715-e728.PMID: 31797797

  7. "Alzheimer's disease: a year of hope" (La Marseillaise - January 2020)
  8. New publication of the NeuroCyto team

    First work of 2020 work is out for the NeuroCyto team! A collaboration with Matt Rasband’s lab in Nature Communications. This is a significant paper for the axon initial segment field: Matt’s lab used BioID of key AIS proteins for mapping AIS components. Dozens of new candidates for future studies! We performed super-resolution microscopy of several of the newly identified AIS components. IN particular, we showed that Mical3, a protein linking microtubules and actin, forms clusters along the AIS that are not periodically organized along the actin/spectrin scaffold.


INP in numbers

  • 126 members
  • 44 researchers
  • 48 research assistants
  • 12 post-docs
  • 11 PhD


Dominic Bingham (NeuroCyto team) at Neurobinar #5

On February 18 at 4 pm, come and discover the work of Pierre-Yves Jacob (LNC), Lucas Goirand-Lopez (INMED) and Dominic Bingham (INP, NeuroCyto team). Dominic Bingham and Lucas Goirand-Lopez will introduce their respective PhD in a cross-presentation. After a question session for PhD students, Pierre-Yves Jacob will share with us his research on the brain network underlying spatial navigation (displacement, orientation) in complex environments.


Dominika Pilat (Team 1) on the Neurobinar #4 (NeuroMarseille) !

Dominika Pilat will be presenting on the Neurobinar #4 on January 21 at 4 pm on Zoom.

For this fourth edition, NeuroMarseille is pleased to welcome Cédric Maurange (IBDM), Dominika Pilat (INP) and Borloz Émilie (MMG). Dominika Pilat and Borloz Émilie will introduce their respective theses in a cross presentation. After a question session, Cédric Maurange (IBDM) will explain his research on genetic programmes modifying the properties of neural stem cells during development.


INP goes green !

When you say New Year, you say new resolutions! 
Increasingly present at the heart of debates and minds, ecology is part of our daily lives and it is our duty to do everything we can to reduce our ecological footprint. The INP has decided to be mobilized for ecology, at its own level. 


Christophe Leterrier (NeuroCyto team) in the Journal of Neuroscience: “A Pictorial History of the Neuronal Cytoskeleton”

Christophe Leterrier, leader of the NeuroCyto team, just published a special review for the 40th anniversary issue of the Journal of Neuroscience. Entitled “A Pictorial History of the Neuronal Cytoskeleton”, it is a journey through the history of the neuronal cytoskeleton in pictures.

