NeuroTimone Facility (PFNT)

The PFNT Facility is a coherent set of exploration tools in neurobiology allowing research at the molecular, cellular and integrated levels.


  1. Aurélie Tchoghandjian-Auphan, CRCN CNRS from the GlioME team, was recently granted by ARC fondation for her project "Effects of Smac mimetics treatment on glioblastomas immune response" .

    Aurélie Tchoghandjian-Auphan, CRCN CNRS from the GlioME team, in the Insitute of NeuroPhysiopathology, UMR CNRS 7051, was recently granted by ARC fondation for her project "Effects of Smac mimetics treatment on glioblastomas immune response".

    Subsequently she was interviewed by :
    France 3  (JT 19/20 PACA diffusion du 15/11: 7'09 à 9'45) ; 
    Provence Azur (18/11/2019) ;
    20 Minutes Marseille (18/11/2019)
    - La Provence


  2. DESU « Exploration et traitement des maladies auto-immunes »
  3. GlioME team in collaboration with INT (Institute of Neurosciences Timone) published a new study in Journal of Neuroinflammation on the effect of Bevacizumab on glioblastoma-bearing mice, using 2-photon imaging

    Our data show that VEGF blockade leads to an increased recruitment of monocytes and to an adjustment of dendritic cell subsets’ profiles, differing in their ability to induce an adaptive immune response. Altogether, they provide important new insights into the effects of Bevacizumab at the cellular level and into the spatio-temporal evolution of intra-tumoral innate immune cell densities.

  4. Pr Hervé Kovacic joins the editorial board of Antioxidant Redox Signaling
  5. Marseille - Cassis 2019
  6. Anne-Marie François Bellan
    Listening to our molecular clocks

    During the NeuroStories event, held on Monday October 7 at the Faculty of Medicine, Anne-Marie François Bellan gave a remarkable stand up on how our body vibrates to the rhythm of internal chronometers called circadian clocks. She also explained how the molecular clock uses small corpuscles and cell space to make our genes rhythm.

    Click on the news to  see the video of her brilliant speech.





  7. Prof. D. Figarella-Branger, who belongs to the cIMPACT-NOW Working Committee, attended to the last meeting of the consortium in Utrecht (16-17 september).

    The cIMPACT-NOW Working Committee is the Consortium to Inform Molecular and Practical Approaches to CNS Tumor Taxonomy. cIMPACT-NOW  was created in late 2016 —following publication of the 2016 Updated 4th Edition of the World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System— to provide a forum to evaluate and recommend proposed changes to future CNS tumor classifications.

  8. Three members of INP presented their work on Glioma during the 14th EANO annual meeting held in Lyon (19 - 22 September, 2019)

    During the 14th EANO annual meeting 3 members of INP team #8 presented their work on Glioma in a plenary conference «CDKN2A homozygous deletion is a strong adverse prognosis factor in diffuse malignant IDHmutant gliomas» Dominique Figarella Branger, a short talk «Plasmatic differential scanning fluorimetry profiles discriminate glioma patients from healthy controls» Emeline Tabouret and two posters «P11.06: Non epigenetic effect of vorinostat in glioblastoma cells» and «EB1-dependant long survival of glioblastoma cancer stem-like cells tumor


INP in numbers

  • 126 members
  • 44 researchers
  • 48 research assistants
  • 12 post-docs
  • 11 PhD


Performance théatralisée en hommage à Raphaël Dubois

Une production théâtrale et une performance artistique qui auront lieu le 8 décembre à 19h30 (suite au confinement, la performance a été reportée pour la prochaine saison). Cette représentation, produite par Nadia Merad Coliac, est une œuvre inédite. Elle aura lieu à Paris au théatre Reine Blanche, scène des arts et des sciences. C'est la première fois qu'elle travaille pour un théâtre.


PINT new acquisitions: Biacore T200 & AKTA pure

The Platform INteractome Timone - PINT is pleased to announce the arrival of a brand new Surface Plasmon Resonance Biacore T200 (Cytiva, ex GE Healthcare) designed to follow in real time interactions between free-labeled biomolecules from ions to viruses. The use of real-time measurement allows to provide association (kon) and dissociation (koff) rate constant of the interaction and to deduce its affinity (KD).

dianette akta Geraldine biacore

MedIM 2020 : First inter-platform Interactome workshop

INP platform PINT together with AFMB and IMM are glad to announce their first inter-platform interactome workshop entitled "Methods to study Molecular Interactions (Biomedical applications)" that will take place from monday december 7th to friday 11th 2020. 

Looking to confirm the interaction between a drug and its target?
Wanting to characterize the interaction between a receptor and its ligand?


New publication of the GlioME team.

In this paper we reported two uncommon adult cases of Diffuse Leptomeningeal Glioneuronal Tumors (DLGNTs) diagnosed after DNA-methylation profiling. This study enlarges the clinical and molecular spectrum of DLGNTs which encompass a wide spectrum of tumors that has yet to be fully clarified, and suggest that this terminology appears unsuitable in some cases.


Nanotemper Technologies 1st Virtual Symposium 

Romain La Rocca, third year PhD student in INP team 9 (Cytoskeleton and Neurophysiopathology), will present a part of his thesis work during the 1st NanoTemper Virtual Symposium on June 30th from 9 to 12h30. NanoTemper annual seminars bring together the researchers using NanoTemper instruments, or eager to discover new technologies and in different fields of research. During this event, Romain will show how to use the nanoDSF technology to study the quaternary structure of tubulin. 


PINT new acquisition: Tycho™ NT.6 for instant protein quality control

The Platform INteractome Timone - PINT is pleased to announce the arrival of the Tycho™ NT.6, the new nanoDSF instrument by Nanotemper. The Tycho is designed to characterize the quality of any protein within minutes, using only 10 µL of sample. This fast analysis is critical for choosing the batches, buffers, or conditions by comparing the relative stability of each sample along every step of an experiment, thus allowing an efficient assay and purification workflow development.

