Plateforme NeuroTimone (PFNT)

La PFNT (Plateforme NeuroTimone) est un ensemble cohérent d'outils d'exploration en neurobiologie permettant des investigations aux échelles moléculaires, cellulaires et intégrées.

A la Une

  1. New publication for the Neuro-inflammation and Multiple Sclerosis team (INP team 5) in Cytokine about the immunomonitoring of infliximab biotherapies

    In this paper, Daniel Bertin evaluated the immunological follow-up of patients suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases and receiving anti-TNF biotherapy. Three commercial ELISA assays for monitoring soluble through levels of infliximab and anti-infliximab antibodies in serum showed a good global correlation of results. However, some quantitative discrepancies could change clinical decision. As a consequence, Daniel Bertin recommended to keep the same kit to perform a longitudinal follow-up of patients.

  2. Aurélie Tchoghandjian-Auphan, CRCN CNRS from the GlioME team, was recently granted by ARC fondation for her project "Effects of Smac mimetics treatment on glioblastomas immune response" .

    Aurélie Tchoghandjian-Auphan, CRCN CNRS from the GlioME team, in the Insitute of NeuroPhysiopathology, UMR CNRS 7051, was recently granted by ARC fondation for her project "Effects of Smac mimetics treatment on glioblastomas immune response".

    Subsequently she was interviewed by :
    France 3  (JT 19/20 PACA diffusion du 15/11: 7'09 à 9'45) ; 
    Provence Azur (18/11/2019) ;
    20 Minutes Marseille (18/11/2019)
    - La Provence


  3. DESU « Exploration et traitement des maladies auto-immunes »
  4. GlioME team in collaboration with INT (Institute of Neurosciences Timone) published a new study in Journal of Neuroinflammation on the effect of Bevacizumab on glioblastoma-bearing mice, using 2-photon imaging

    Our data show that VEGF blockade leads to an increased recruitment of monocytes and to an adjustment of dendritic cell subsets’ profiles, differing in their ability to induce an adaptive immune response. Altogether, they provide important new insights into the effects of Bevacizumab at the cellular level and into the spatio-temporal evolution of intra-tumoral innate immune cell densities.

  5. Le Pr Hervé Kovacic rejoint le comité de rédaction de « Antioxidant Redox Signaling »
  6. Marseille - Cassis 2019
  7. A l’écoute de nos sabliers moléculaires

    Lors de la soirée des NeuroStories qui a eu lieu lundi 7 octobre à la faculté de médecine, Anne-Marie François Bellan a livré une prestation remarquée sur la façon dont notre corps vibre au rythme de chronomètres internes appelés horloges circadiennes. Elle a également expliqué comment l’horloge moléculaire utilise des petits corpuscules et l’espace de la cellule pour faire rythmer nos gènes. La vidéo de son intervention ainsi que celles des six autres orateurs seront disponibles très prochainement.



  8. Prof. D. Figarella-Branger, who belongs to the cIMPACT-NOW Working Committee, attended to the last meeting of the consortium in Utrecht (16-17 september).

    The cIMPACT-NOW Working Committee is the Consortium to Inform Molecular and Practical Approaches to CNS Tumor Taxonomy. cIMPACT-NOW  was created in late 2016 —following publication of the 2016 Updated 4th Edition of the World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System— to provide a forum to evaluate and recommend proposed changes to future CNS tumor classifications.


L'INP en chiffres

  • 126 membres
  • 44 chercheurs
  • 48 chercheurs assistants
  • 12 post-doctorants
  • 11 doctorants


Laurie Arnaud (Team6) on the Neurobinar #3 (NeuroMarseille) !

Laurie Arnaud will be presenting on the Neurobinar #3 on December 17 at 4 pm on Zoom.

For this third edition, NeuroMarseille is pleased to welcome Christelle Baunez (INT), Laurie Arnaud (INP) and Nada El Mahmoudi (LNSC/LNC). Laurie Arnaud and Nada El Mahmoudi will introduce their respective theses in a cross presentation. After a question and answer session, Christelle Baunez (INT) will explain her research on the role of basal ganglia (GB) in motivation and reward processes.


Dr. Emeline Tabouret (GlioME team) in collaboration with Dr. Rafael Arguello (CIML Institute) published a new paper in Cell metabolism journal

This paper entitled "SCENITH: A Flow Cytometry-Based Method to Functionally Profile Energy Metabolism with Single-Cell Resolution" presents a new technique to study the metabolic responses in multiple cell types in parallel by flow cytometry.


A successful partnership between the APHM Pathology department / the GlioME team and ID-Solutions industrial society.

A successful partnership between the APHM Pathology department / the GlioME team and ID-Solutions industrial society (, has led to the developement of ready-to-use kits for the detection and quantification by digital PCR of key genetic alterations of brain tumours, specifically gliomas.


Poste pourvu : The Institute of NeuroPhysiopathology (INP) welcomes tenured researchers/lecturers, and junior researchers to lead or strengthen its research programmes

The Institute of NeuroPhysiopathology (INP) is a new laboratory of the CNRS/Aix-Marseille University created in 2018 that combines fundamental and translational research in a stimulating and friendly working environment ( The INP is located on the Health Sciences Campus of La Timone, which is home to other leading neuroscience laboratories, bringing together more than 400 people covering a wide range of topics.


Le label « Plateforme Technologique Aix-Marseille » de la PlateForme NeuroTimone PFNT a été renouvelé

Le label « Plateforme Technologique Aix-Marseille » de la PlateForme NeuroTimone PFNT a été renouvelé pour une nouvelle période de 3 ans par AMU, l’Inserm et le CNRS. Pour mémoire rappelons que la PFNT est constituée des plateformes NCIS, PINT et SCeNT de l’INP et de INPHIM de l’INT. La PFNT offre un éventail de prestations technologiques en neurobiologie au niveau local pour les équipes de recherche et start up de Marseille mais aussi au niveau régional et national.


Performance théatralisée en hommage à Raphaël Dubois

Une production théâtrale et une performance artistique qui auront lieu le 8 décembre à 19h30 (suite au confinement, la performance a été reportée pour la prochaine saison). Cette représentation, produite par Nadia Merad Coliac, est une œuvre inédite. Elle aura lieu à Paris au théatre Reine Blanche, scène des arts et des sciences. C'est la première fois qu'elle travaille pour un théâtre.

