Plateforme NeuroTimone (PFNT)

La PFNT (Plateforme NeuroTimone) est un ensemble cohérent d'outils d'exploration en neurobiologie permettant des investigations aux échelles moléculaires, cellulaires et intégrées.

A la Une

  1. Maeva MONTALEYTANG and Noé DUMAS from the GlioME team presented their research on nanoparticles at the SFNano C'Nano congress

    Maeva and Noé presented their poster at the SFNano C'Nano conference entitled "Preclinical evaluation of a paclitaxel nanoprodrug for glioblastoma therapy".

  2. Un nouvel arrivant dans l'équipe 5

    L'équipe 5 a le plaisir d'accueillir en stage du 1er décembre 2019 au 31 mars 2020, Théo Loignon étudiant à l'école d'ingénieur de Bordeaux ei.cesi. Théo travaillera avec Jean-Philippe Dales sur l'imagerie chimique du tissu nerveux au cours de la neuroinflammation.

  3. New publication for the Neuro-inflammation and Multiple Sclerosis team (INP team 5) in Cytokine about the immunomonitoring of infliximab biotherapies

    In this paper, Daniel Bertin evaluated the immunological follow-up of patients suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases and receiving anti-TNF biotherapy. Three commercial ELISA assays for monitoring soluble through levels of infliximab and anti-infliximab antibodies in serum showed a good global correlation of results. However, some quantitative discrepancies could change clinical decision. As a consequence, Daniel Bertin recommended to keep the same kit to perform a longitudinal follow-up of patients.

  4. Aurélie Tchoghandjian-Auphan, CRCN CNRS from the GlioME team, was recently granted by ARC fondation for her project "Effects of Smac mimetics treatment on glioblastomas immune response" .

    Aurélie Tchoghandjian-Auphan, CRCN CNRS from the GlioME team, in the Insitute of NeuroPhysiopathology, UMR CNRS 7051, was recently granted by ARC fondation for her project "Effects of Smac mimetics treatment on glioblastomas immune response".

    Subsequently she was interviewed by :
    France 3  (JT 19/20 PACA diffusion du 15/11: 7'09 à 9'45) ; 
    Provence Azur (18/11/2019) ;
    20 Minutes Marseille (18/11/2019)
    - La Provence


  5. DESU « Exploration et traitement des maladies auto-immunes »
  6. GlioME team in collaboration with INT (Institute of Neurosciences Timone) published a new study in Journal of Neuroinflammation on the effect of Bevacizumab on glioblastoma-bearing mice, using 2-photon imaging

    Our data show that VEGF blockade leads to an increased recruitment of monocytes and to an adjustment of dendritic cell subsets’ profiles, differing in their ability to induce an adaptive immune response. Altogether, they provide important new insights into the effects of Bevacizumab at the cellular level and into the spatio-temporal evolution of intra-tumoral innate immune cell densities.

  7. Le Pr Hervé Kovacic rejoint le comité de rédaction de « Antioxidant Redox Signaling »
  8. Marseille - Cassis 2019


L'INP en chiffres

  • 126 membres
  • 44 chercheurs
  • 48 chercheurs assistants
  • 12 post-doctorants
  • 11 doctorants


L'INP passe au vert !

Qui dit nouvelle année, dit nouvelles résolutions !

De plus en plus présente au cœur des débats et des consciences, l’écologie fait partie de notre quotidien et il est de notre devoir de tout mettre en œuvre pour réduire notre empreinte écologique. L’INP a décidé de se mobiliser pour l’écologie, à son échelle.


Christophe Leterrier (NeuroCyto team) in the Journal of Neuroscience: “A Pictorial History of the Neuronal Cytoskeleton”

Christophe Leterrier, leader of the NeuroCyto team, just published a special review for the 40th anniversary issue of the Journal of Neuroscience. Entitled “A Pictorial History of the Neuronal Cytoskeleton”, it is a journey through the history of the neuronal cytoskeleton in pictures.


MedIM 2020 : retour d'expérience

Dans la semaine du lundi 07 décembre au vendredi 11 décembre s'est tenue avec succès la première édition de l'atelier MedIM (Methodes d'étude des Interactions Moléculaires) co-organisé par la Plateforme INteractome Timone (PINT) de l’INP, la plateforme de Biologie Structurale de l’AFMB et les plateformes de l’IMM, toutes trois labellisées "Plateformes Technologiques du site d'Aix-Marseille".


Laurie Arnaud (Team6) on the Neurobinar #3 (NeuroMarseille) !

Laurie Arnaud will be presenting on the Neurobinar #3 on December 17 at 4 pm on Zoom.

For this third edition, NeuroMarseille is pleased to welcome Christelle Baunez (INT), Laurie Arnaud (INP) and Nada El Mahmoudi (LNSC/LNC). Laurie Arnaud and Nada El Mahmoudi will introduce their respective theses in a cross presentation. After a question and answer session, Christelle Baunez (INT) will explain her research on the role of basal ganglia (GB) in motivation and reward processes.


Dr. Emeline Tabouret (GlioME team) in collaboration with Dr. Rafael Arguello (CIML Institute) published a new paper in Cell metabolism journal

This paper entitled "SCENITH: A Flow Cytometry-Based Method to Functionally Profile Energy Metabolism with Single-Cell Resolution" presents a new technique to study the metabolic responses in multiple cell types in parallel by flow cytometry.

