Plateforme NeuroTimone (PFNT)

La PFNT (Plateforme NeuroTimone) est un ensemble cohérent d'outils d'exploration en neurobiologie permettant des investigations aux échelles moléculaires, cellulaires et intégrées.

A la Une

  1. A l’écoute de nos sabliers moléculaires

    Lors de la soirée des NeuroStories qui a eu lieu lundi 7 octobre à la faculté de médecine, Anne-Marie François Bellan a livré une prestation remarquée sur la façon dont notre corps vibre au rythme de chronomètres internes appelés horloges circadiennes. Elle a également expliqué comment l’horloge moléculaire utilise des petits corpuscules et l’espace de la cellule pour faire rythmer nos gènes. La vidéo de son intervention ainsi que celles des six autres orateurs seront disponibles très prochainement.



  2. Prof. D. Figarella-Branger, who belongs to the cIMPACT-NOW Working Committee, attended to the last meeting of the consortium in Utrecht (16-17 september).

    The cIMPACT-NOW Working Committee is the Consortium to Inform Molecular and Practical Approaches to CNS Tumor Taxonomy. cIMPACT-NOW  was created in late 2016 —following publication of the 2016 Updated 4th Edition of the World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System— to provide a forum to evaluate and recommend proposed changes to future CNS tumor classifications.

  3. Three members of INP presented their work on Glioma during the 14th EANO annual meeting held in Lyon (19 - 22 September, 2019)

    During the 14th EANO annual meeting 3 members of INP team #8 presented their work on Glioma in a plenary conference «CDKN2A homozygous deletion is a strong adverse prognosis factor in diffuse malignant IDHmutant gliomas» Dominique Figarella Branger, a short talk «Plasmatic differential scanning fluorimetry profiles discriminate glioma patients from healthy controls» Emeline Tabouret and two posters «P11.06: Non epigenetic effect of vorinostat in glioblastoma cells» and «EB1-dependant long survival of glioblastoma cancer stem-like cells tumor

  4. Nadia Merad Coliac et Maxime Bonnet ont rejoint l’équipe NOSE

    Nadia Merad Coliac, designer plasticienne, a rejoint l’équipe NOSE (Nasal Olfactory Stemness and Epigenesis) de l’INP, comme chercheuse associée. À la croisée de plusieurs disciplines, elle développe une réflexion et une œuvre expérimentale art et science, dans le domaine de la bioluminescence. Elle envisage une application thérapeutique dans les troubles du spectre autistique (TSA).

  5. New publication from the GlioME Team (INP team 8) in Cancers pointing at A2B5 as an attractive therapeutic target for glioblastomas.
  6. F. Devred and E. Tabouret presented their research work at the annual Canceropole PACA meeting
  7. INP team 8 and 9 and PINT members presented their work at the 4th French Microtubule Network

    INP team 8 and 9 and PINT members being part of the French Microtubule Network, several members presented their work at the 4th French Microtubule Network gathering in Rennes on the 1srt and 2nd july 2019, in the  "Microtubules and their regulators : new therapeutic targets" session and the "Microtubules, assembly and regulation" session. Pascale Barbier presented her work "", Raphael Berges his work "Proscillaridin A exerts anti-tumor effects through"GSK3 activation and alteration of microtubule dynamics in glioblastoma" and François Devred a new method of "Functional screening of therapeutic agents and targets using nanoDSF "

  8. CNRS and Aix-Marseille University sign Agreement with the SME Vect-Horus on the intellectual property

    An article entitled "Le CNRS et Aix-Marseille Université signent un accord avec la PME Vect-Horus sur la propriété intellectuelle",  published in the CNRS Innovation Letter of 20 June 2019 and relayed by the INSB site, features the agreement signed by CNRS, AMU and Vect-Horus establishing the intellectual property rights regime and the exploitation of patents.


L'INP en chiffres

  • 126 membres
  • 44 chercheurs
  • 48 chercheurs assistants
  • 12 post-doctorants
  • 11 doctorants


A successful partnership between the APHM Pathology department / the GlioME team and ID-Solutions industrial society.

A successful partnership between the APHM Pathology department / the GlioME team and ID-Solutions industrial society (, has led to the developement of ready-to-use kits for the detection and quantification by digital PCR of key genetic alterations of brain tumours, specifically gliomas.


Poste pourvu : The Institute of NeuroPhysiopathology (INP) welcomes tenured researchers/lecturers, and junior researchers to lead or strengthen its research programmes

The Institute of NeuroPhysiopathology (INP) is a new laboratory of the CNRS/Aix-Marseille University created in 2018 that combines fundamental and translational research in a stimulating and friendly working environment ( The INP is located on the Health Sciences Campus of La Timone, which is home to other leading neuroscience laboratories, bringing together more than 400 people covering a wide range of topics.


Le label « Plateforme Technologique Aix-Marseille » de la PlateForme NeuroTimone PFNT a été renouvelé

Le label « Plateforme Technologique Aix-Marseille » de la PlateForme NeuroTimone PFNT a été renouvelé pour une nouvelle période de 3 ans par AMU, l’Inserm et le CNRS. Pour mémoire rappelons que la PFNT est constituée des plateformes NCIS, PINT et SCeNT de l’INP et de INPHIM de l’INT. La PFNT offre un éventail de prestations technologiques en neurobiologie au niveau local pour les équipes de recherche et start up de Marseille mais aussi au niveau régional et national.


Performance théatralisée en hommage à Raphaël Dubois

Une production théâtrale et une performance artistique qui auront lieu le 8 décembre à 19h30 (suite au confinement, la performance a été reportée pour la prochaine saison). Cette représentation, produite par Nadia Merad Coliac, est une œuvre inédite. Elle aura lieu à Paris au théatre Reine Blanche, scène des arts et des sciences. C'est la première fois qu'elle travaille pour un théâtre.


MedIM 2020 : First inter-platform Interactome workshop

INP platform PINT together with AFMB and IMM are glad to announce their first inter-platform interactome workshop entitled "Methods to study Molecular Interactions (Biomedical applications)" that will take place from monday december 7th to friday 11th 2020. 

Looking to confirm the interaction between a drug and its target?
Wanting to characterize the interaction between a receptor and its ligand?


Nanotemper Technologies 1st Virtual Symposium 

Romain La Rocca, third year PhD student in INP team 9 (Cytoskeleton and Neurophysiopathology), will present a part of his thesis work during the 1st NanoTemper Virtual Symposium on June 30th from 9 to 12h30. NanoTemper annual seminars bring together the researchers using NanoTemper instruments, or eager to discover new technologies and in different fields of research. During this event, Romain will show how to use the nanoDSF technology to study the quaternary structure of tubulin. 

