NeuroTimone Facility (PFNT)

The PFNT Facility is a coherent set of exploration tools in neurobiology allowing research at the molecular, cellular and integrated levels.


  1. Christophe at MiFoBio
    Christophe from the NeuroCyto team delivers plenary lecture at MiFoBio 2018

    Christophe was lucky to spend a whole week at the “Microscopie Fonctionnelle en Biologie” aka MiFoBio workshop. Lots of fun attending dozens of cutting-edge workshops, trying super-resolution microscopes, discussing, DJing (!), and presenting the latest work from the lab.

    More on Twitter: #MiFoBio2018

  2. The GlioME team has popularized a scientific article to make its research accessible to the general public.
  3. F. Devred presented PINT / INP work on a non-conventional use of nanoDSF at the ARBRE MOBIEU meeting
  4. Vect-Horus and RadioMedix announce signing of a Letter of Intent to co-develop a radio-theranostic agent for Glioblastoma
  5. Michel Khrestchatisky gives a talk at the « Nanomedicine for treating cancer and brain diseases » symposium
  6. Yvon Berland mentions Vect-Horus as one of the three 3 AMU biotech success stories

    In an interview published by "La Provence" on November 30, 2018 Yvon Bertrand, President of Aix-Marseille University, explains that AMU is very proud of its contribution to the field of Artificial Intelligence but also to the development of companies such as "First Light Imaging", VECT-HORUS or Innate-Pharma. They are real success stories from public research.

  7. INP Team 9 participated in a joint review on Tau molecular structures
  8. New article of the cytoskeleton and neurophysiopathology team

    The last work of team 9 "Tau regulates the microtubule-dependent migration of glioblastoma cells via Rho-ROCK signaling pathway" is now published in J. cell. Science. This work identifies for the first time the role and mechanisms implicating the tau protein in the invasion processes of glioblastomas, very aggressive brain tumors. This work highlights the role of the Tau protein as a common target between cancers and neurodegeneration.


INP in numbers

  • 126 members
  • 44 researchers
  • 48 research assistants
  • 12 post-docs
  • 11 PhD


A commentary from Christophe Leterrier in the Journal of Cell Biology

Christophe Leterrier, leader of the NeuroCyto ATIP team, wrote a Spotlight in the Journal of Cell Biology highlighting a nice recent paper from the group of Pei-Lin Cheng in Taiwan. In this article, Lee et al. showed how degradation of the chloride transporter NKCC1 by proteasomes anchored at the AIS have a key role in lowering the intracellular chloride concentration, leading to the perinatal reversal of GABA effect from excitatory to inhibitory.


2019 Retrospective: D. Figarella-Branger from the GlioME team was involved in 5 reference articles on pediatric brain tumours

Thanks to her expertise in the diagnosis of central nervous system tumours arising in children and young adults, Dominique Figarella-Branger from the GlioME team (Team 8) was involved last year in 5 articles published in high-impact factor journals (>18). These articles are becoming references in this field:

- The molecular landscape of ETMR at diagnosis and relapse. Nature. 2019 Dec;576(7786):274-280. PMID: 31802000


"Alzheimer's disease: a year of hope" (La Marseillaise - January 2020)

Maladie d'Alzheimer : une nouvelle année pleine d'espoir. 

In its week-end edition (january the 4th & 5th 2020), the daily newspaper La Marseillaise devoted its "Provence Terre de Science" page to Alzheimer's disease reserach.

On this occasion François Devred (INP team 9 / PINT platform) answered a few questions on the molecular characterization of this complex protein (to be downloaded by clicking here )


New publication of the NeuroCyto team

First work of 2020 work is out for the NeuroCyto team! A collaboration with Matt Rasband’s lab in Nature Communications. This is a significant paper for the axon initial segment field: Matt’s lab used BioID of key AIS proteins for mapping AIS components. Dozens of new candidates for future studies! We performed super-resolution microscopy of several of the newly identified AIS components. IN particular, we showed that Mical3, a protein linking microtubules and actin, forms clusters along the AIS that are not periodically organized along the actin/spectrin scaffold.


New publication from the GlioME Team and the national POLA network (dedicated to high grade oligodendroglioma) pointing at CDKN2A homozygous deletion as a strong adverse prognostic factor in diffuse malignant IDH-mutant gliomas.

In a large cohort of 911 high-grade IDH-mutant gliomas from the French national POLA network, we investigated the prognostic value of the CDKN2A gene homozygous deletion as well as WHO grading criteria (mitoses, microvascular proliferation, and necrosis).

We showed that:
- CDKN2A homozygous deletion characterizes diffuse malignant IDH-mutant gliomas with worst outcome.

- Microvascular proliferation stratifies IDH-mutant gliomas lacking CDKN2A homozygous deletion.


Michel KHRESTCHATISKY invited to the third edition of “Translational neuroscience Day: challenges and opportunities” co-organized by DHUNE and NeurATRIS

Michel KHRESTCHATISKY, Director of the UMR7051 Institute of Neurophysiopathology at Aix-Marseille University / CNRS and co-founder of VECT-HORUS was invited at the third edition of Translational neuroscience Day: challenges and opportunities” co-organized by DHUNE and NeurATRIS and hosted by BioFIT on December 10, 2019 (

