INP in numbers

  • 126 members
  • 44 researchers
  • 48 research assistants
  • 12 post-docs
  • 11 PhD


New publication from the NeuroCyto team in Nature Communications: Perform advanced microscopy experiments thanks to NanoJ-Fluidics

The LEGO Pumpy (or more officially NanoJ-Fluidics) paper is out in Nature Communications! A joint venture between the INP NeuroCyto team and the Henriques lab, this article (previously available as a preprint on bioRxiv) details how to build a fully open-source multi-channel syringe pumps with LEGO and Arduino.


New preprint from the NeuroCyto team: tips and tricks for super-resolution microscopy

We have a new preprint out! Want to do good super-resolution images? We have put together all our single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) tips and tricks. This is a methods paper that describes our SMLM workflow, using benchmark samples such as microtubules and clathrin-coated pits. 


New publication from the NeuroCyto team in the Journal of Cell Biology: Slow axonal transport of actin via hotspots and trails

Our latest work (previously on bioRxiv) is now published in the Journal of Cell Biology. We collaborated with the Roy lab (UW Madison, USA) and the Jung lab (Ohio University, USA) to reveal a new mechanism of slow axonal transport, based on our previous discovery of actin hotspots and trails

Hotspots seen by STORM

The GlioME team has popularized a scientific article to make its research accessible to the general public.

The popularization of science is one of the missions of academic research. This article authored by Aurélie Soubéran is intended for children aged 12-13 years and more broadly for the general public, and focuses on a preclinical study on glioblastoma model.

To access it, please download the pdf version.


Vect-Horus and RadioMedix announce signing of a Letter of Intent to co-develop a radio-theranostic agent for Glioblastoma

This partnership will marry the expertise of Vect-Horus in targeting tumors with its technology VECTrans® and the know-how of RadioMedix in developing and conducting pre-clinical evaluation and clinical trials with radiopharmaceuticals.

For more information, please follow this link or download the pdf version.


Michel Khrestchatisky gives a talk at the « Nanomedicine for treating cancer and brain diseases » symposium

In the context of the Euronanomed projects for Action on Nanomedicine under Horizon 2020, a Symposium will be held at the Luminy campus in Marseille on March 8, 2019. Dr. Khrestchatisky will give a talk titled "Molecular vectors for drug delivery into the brain and tumors".

For more information, please visit the symposium website or download the pdf version of the program.


Yvon Berland mentions Vect-Horus as one of the three 3 AMU biotech success stories

In an interview published by "La Provence" on November 30, 2018 Yvon Bertrand, President of Aix-Marseille University, explains that AMU is very proud of its contribution to the field of Artificial Intelligence but also to the development of companies such as "First Light Imaging", VECT-HORUS or Innate-Pharma. They are real success stories from public research.


INP Team 9 participated in a joint review on Tau molecular structures

INP Cytoskeleton and Neurophysiopathology team, together with several leading groups in tau biology, has participated in a joint review of the field that just came out in Acta Neuropathologica Communications. This review summarizes the recent breakthroughs in deciphering the molecular structures, both physiological and pathological, of the elusive protein tau. 

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