NeuroTimone Facility (PFNT)

The PFNT Facility is a coherent set of exploration tools in neurobiology allowing research at the molecular, cellular and integrated levels.


  1. INP 2021 ANR awards

    The INP is proud to announce that, this year, four of its members have had their projects successfully granted by the French National Research agency (ANR - generic call 2021): Pascale Barbier (team 9), Christophe Leterrier (team 7), Emmanuel Nivet (team 6) and Aurélie Tchoghandjian (team 8).

  2. Pique nique à l'INP avant les vacances !

    La saison estivale est déjà amorcée, certains sont déjà en vacances (la chance !) et d'autres font de la résistance au labo. Le comité des fêtes de l'INP en a profité pour réunir les présents autour d'un pique-nique, juste avant le déménagement de l'équipe 8 !

    Joyeuses vacances estivales à tous. Que nous revenions tous reposés, motivés et pleins d'ambitions et d'idées pour de belles recherches scientifiques à accomplir à la rentrée :-) 


  3. Dominique Figarella-Branger from the GlioME Team 8 has been involved in the fifth edition of the WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System

    The fifth edition of the WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System (CNS), is the sixth version of the international standard for the classification of brain and spinal cord tumors. Building on the 2016 updated fourth edition and the work of the Consortium to Inform Molecular and Practical Approaches to CNS Tumor Taxonomy (cIMPACT-NOW), the 2021 fifth edition introduces major changes that advance the role of molecular diagnostics in CNS tumor classification.


  4. Vect-Horus and RadioMedix Announce FDA Approval of Exploratory IND of Diagnostic 68 Ga-RMX-VH in Glioblastoma Multiforme
  5. INP attended Canceropole PACA 8th annual seminar

    Last week the 8th annual seminar of Canceropole PACA took place in the Palais des Congrés of Saint Raphaël. During these 2 days a great number of scientific presentations were given, including different aspects of INP research coming from team 8, team 9 and the platform PINT, during the poster sessions.

  6. Retour sur la visite du Président Eric Berton le 18 juin 2021

    La semaine dernière, vendredi 18 juin 2021, nous avons reçu la visite du Président de l’Université Eric Berton. Il était accompagné par la nouvelle Directrice Générale des Services de AMU Laurence Corvellec, le Doyen de la Faculté des Sciences Médicales et Paramédicales Georges Leonetti et l'assesseur à la Recherche la FSMP Jean Louis Mège.

  7. 2 INP researchers in La Marseillaise "Provence Terre de Science" 

    Each week-end the local newspaper La Marseillaise puts the spotligh on a scientific topic and on a team of research in a scientific page called "Provence Terre de Science". After the page about Alzheimer disease last year (see here), INP research has been highligthed with the interview of Jean Marc Sabatier (Cytoskeleton and Neurophysiopathology team) for his work on venoms, and then Christophe Letterier (NeuroCyto team) for his work on superresolution imaging of neurons, in La Marseillaise week-end editions of may 22nd-24th and

  8. Two articles from the NeuroCyto team in Nature Communications

    The NeuroCyto team has two new articles just out in Nature Communications! Click for more details >>


INP in numbers

  • 126 members
  • 44 researchers
  • 48 research assistants
  • 12 post-docs
  • 11 PhD


New article from NPD Team 1 published in the Journal of Neuroinflammation

The latest article for NPD team 1 has been published this month into the Journal of Neuroinflammation.

Membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase 5 (MT5-MMP) deficiency in the 5xFAD mouse model of Alzheimer's disease reduces brain neuroinflammation along with amyloidosis, and prevents deficits in synaptic activity and cognition in prodromal stages of the disease. In addition, MT5-MMP deficiency prevents interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β)-mediated inflammation in the peripheral nervous system.


Emmanuel Nivet on Neuro'binar - March 22nd 1pm

Don't miss the next Neuro'binar of NeuroMarseille with Emmanuel Nivet (Team 6) !

Next Tuesday, on March 22nd, 2022, at 1 pm online, discover Dr Emmanuel Nivet's work in the 13th edition of Neuro'binar:

🔘  Emmanuel Nivet (INP) will present his research topic entitled: "Human induced pluripotent stem cells to study the role of astrocytes in Alzheimer’s disease"


A new publication is available on "Dual Photothermal and Chemotherapeutic Therapy"

If you want to know more about the treatment of glioblastoma with Gold Nanorods, click on the title "Well-Defined Polyethylene Glycol Microscale Hydrogel Blocks Containing Gold Nanorods for Dual Photothermal and Chemotherapeutic Therapy" , a publication co-authored by Chiara Bastiancich, post-doc in the GlioME team.



Filled position : Postdoctoral researcher (M/W): Pathogenic mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease.

Application Deadline : 30 September 2023


General information

Reference : UMR7051-MAUGRA-001

Number of position : 1

Workplace : MARSEILLE 05

Type of Contract : FTC Scientist

Contract Period : 24 months

Expected date of employment : 1 January 2024

Proportion of work : Full time

Remuneration : Between €2,932 and €4,669 gross per month depending on experience.

Desired level of education : Niveau 8 - (Doctorat)

Experience required : Indifferent


Séminaire M&M’s – Muscle Monday Seminars of the Institute’s Myology Centre for Research

Within the cycle M&M’s – Muscle Monday Seminars of the Institute’s Myology Centre for Research, on January 17 Michel Khrestchatisky (CNRS Research Director, Director of the Institute for Neurophysiopathology) Co-Founder & Scientific Counsel of Vect-Horus presented the conference entitled “"Development of molecular vectors for targeted delivery of RNAi via receptor-mediated transport".


VECT-HORUS reçoit un financement non dilutif de 1 M€ dans le cadre du dispositif de relance européen EACT-EU

Vect-Horus annonce l’accord de la Région SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, responsable de la mise en œuvre du dispositif REACT-EU dans le cadre du Programme Opérationnel FEDER-FSE, pour une subvention de plus d’un million d’euros. Ce projet est financé avec le concours de l’Union européenne avec le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional.

Pour plus d' information, lisez l'article complet dans BUSINESS WIRE.

