Plateforme NeuroTimone (PFNT)

La PFNT (Plateforme NeuroTimone) est un ensemble cohérent d'outils d'exploration en neurobiologie permettant des investigations aux échelles moléculaires, cellulaires et intégrées.

A la Une

  1. Pedro Belio Mairal (Neural Plasticity and Degeneration team) at Neurobinar #12

    On February 22nd at 1 pm don't miss the next Neurobinar of NeuroMarseille ! You will get a chance to meet Adam Williamson, principal investigator at the INS, Gaelle Alhaddad, 2nd year PhD student at the LNC and Pedro Belio Mairal, 3rd year student in the "Neural Plasticity and Degeneration" team of INP. Gaelle and Pedro will each present the other's thesis topic and Adam will explain his work on "Non-invasive deep brain stimulation in Epilepsy using Temporal Interference". 

  2. Séminaire M&M’s – Muscle Monday Seminars of the Institute’s Myology Centre for Research

    Within the cycle M&M’s – Muscle Monday Seminars of the Institute’s Myology Centre for Research, on January 17 Michel Khrestchatisky (CNRS Research Director, Director of the Institute for Neurophysiopathology) Co-Founder & Scientific Counsel of Vect-Horus presented the conference entitled “"Development of molecular vectors for targeted delivery of RNAi via receptor-mediated transport".

  3. VECT-HORUS reçoit un financement non dilutif de 1 M€ dans le cadre du dispositif de relance européen EACT-EU
  4. Two recently published papers from the glioME team
  5. Welcome to Guillaume, a new Master 2 student in the Nivet Team!

    We are please to welcome Guillaume Benhora-Chabeaux for his 5-month Master internship (2nd year) in the Nivet team. After obtaining a first Master degree in Cognitive Science (MASCO) from the Aix-Marseille University, with the highest honours, Guillaume has enrolled the Master in Neuroscience (cellular and molecular neuroscience). Guillaume will be working on the crosstalk between inflammation and a susceptibility to neurodegeneration using in vitro and in vivo models.

  6. Emmanuel Nivet (Team 6) is a new member of the European Scientific Advisory Board

    Dr Emmanuel Nivet has been appointed as a new member of the European Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of a joint organization unifying the Alzheimer Forschung Initiative e.V. (AFI), Germany, Alzheimer Nederland (AN), The Netherlands and Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer (FVA), France. Each of the above organizations is dedicated to funding dementia research in its own country.

  7. Zoom sur la 5ème édition de la classification de l'OMS des tumeurs du Système Nerveux Central
  8. Recent works on Zinc binding to S100A1 and to NCS-1 published in Biomolecules and in  International Journal of Molecular Sciences respectively

    Team 9 (Cytoskeleton and Neurophysiopathology) and platform PINT (platform interactive Timone) are happy to see the almost simultaneous publications of two papers about about the impact of Zn2+ binding to NCS1 and to S100A1 respectively with their collaborators from Belozersky Institute of Physico Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, while the third one about Tau protein Zn2+ binding sites has been under review for already 3 months ... 


L'INP en chiffres

  • 126 membres
  • 44 chercheurs
  • 48 chercheurs assistants
  • 12 post-doctorants
  • 11 doctorants


Bienvenue à Mensah, nouvel étudiant en master 2 dans l'équipe 10 !

Notre équipe est heureuse d'accueillir Mensah Loko pour un stage de Master de 6 mois (à partir de novembre 2022) en biologie intégrative et physiologie : Approche intégrative des fonctions du vivant : du gène à la pathologie. Le sujet de son stage est le rôle de l'Adrénomédulline exprimée par les cellules endothéliales associées au glioblastome dans la promotion d'une angiogenèse stable et fonctionnelle.


Filled position: Post-doctoral position for a super-resolution microscopy enthusiast in the NeuroCyto lab (C. Leterrier)

The NeuroCyto lab is looking to hire a postdoctoral fellow for an exciting project at the interface of microscopy and neuronal cell biology.
Deadline for application: January 15th, 2023. Starting date (flexible): April 2023.

About the position and project


The GlioME team has obtained a "Action Structurante" funding for the creation of the PETRA facility

Emeline Tabouret and Aurélie Tchoghandjian, in collaboration with Thierry Virolle's team at the l'Institut de Biologie Valrose in Nice, are among the two winners to have obtained "Action structurante" funding from the Cancéropôle PACA.

This funding aims to structure the neuro-oncology at the preclinical and translational level in the region (between Marseille and Nice) and will be used to create the PETRA (PrEclinical and TRAnslational Research) platform on these two sites.

