Le Cercles des Savoirs 2023


As part of the 2023 edition of the Cercles des Savoirs program at the Roquebrussanne Open University, Dr. Santiago Rivera led a conference on Saturday September 23d entitled "Alzheimer's disease, fears and hopes".

"Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of neurodegenerative illness, leading to progressive loss of autonomy and representing a real health, social and economic problem. More than a century after its discovery, by the German physician Alois Alzheimer, we still have no effective means of slowing or halting its progression. It progresses with the ageing of the world's population, as a sort of tribute paid to our increasing life expectancy".

In his talk, Santiago RIVERA explains how we can better understand the complexity of Alzheimer's disease, based on the major scientific advances that have led to a better understanding of the brain's vulnerability and, ultimately, to a better fight against the disease. He also discusses a number of existing means of prevention and new therapies that offer hope for the future.