NeuroTimone Facility (PFNT)

The PFNT Facility is a coherent set of exploration tools in neurobiology allowing research at the molecular, cellular and integrated levels.


  1. INP & Vect-Horus running against Alzheimer's disease

    On december 10th 2022, PINT INP and Vect-Horus members met in the Hippodrome Borély for the "Course des Lumières" organized by Foundation Recherche Alzheimer. It was freezing but together with 600 or something others, they walked 5 km or ran 8 km, to light up the night against Alzheimer's disease and for all patients, carrying a luminous object. See a few pictures below 

  2. Team 10 : New publication in Cancers

    Simple Summary

  3. New website for the PETRA platform

    The Cancéropole PACA has created a web page for the PETRA platform with all the necessary information and the contact form: PETRA web page.




  4. Two new publications for GlioME Team
  5. Welcome to Mensah, a new Master 2 student in team 10 !

    Our team is pleased to welcome Mensah Loko for a 6 months Master internship (from November 2022) in Integrative Biology and Physiology: Integrative approach to the functions of life: from gene to pathology. The subject of his internship is the role of Adrenomedullin expressed by glioblastoma-associated endothelial cells in promoting a stable and functional angiogenesis.

  6. 3 first author papers for team 9 three PhD students

    We are happy to celebrate the release of 3 first author papers on Myotoxin-3 from a snake venom as a new microtubule targeting agent, on the mechanism of action of Zinc induced aggregation of tau, and a review article on tau as a therapeutic target for cancer, for team 9 three PhD students : Cecilia, Dahbia and Rayane, this month :

  7. Welcome to Clara Camilla, New PhD student in team 10

    Clara Camilla, PhD student, Biology-Health - Oncology speciality, is starting her thesis on the theme: "Evaluation of Longitudinal Genomic Alterations in Diffuse Low Grade Gliomas in Adults".

  8. The GlioME team has obtained a "Action Structurante" funding for the creation of the PETRA facility

    Emeline Tabouret and Aurélie Tchoghandjian, in collaboration with Thierry Virolle's team at the l'Institut de Biologie Valrose in Nice, are among the two winners to have obtained "Action structurante" funding from the Cancéropôle PACA.

    This funding aims to structure the neuro-oncology at the preclinical and translational level in the region (between Marseille and Nice) and will be used to create the PETRA (PrEclinical and TRAnslational Research) platform on these two sites.


INP in numbers

  • 126 members
  • 44 researchers
  • 48 research assistants
  • 12 post-docs
  • 11 PhD


Posters presented by two BUT students

The GlioME team and the PETRA platform welcomed two BUT students, Ludivine Rouillon and Emilie Louat, for their end-of-year internship.

Their internship ended with a presentation of their work as posters entitled: "Développement d'un modèle pré-clinique 3D de tumoroïdes dérivé de tumeurs du SNC pour l'étude de molécules thérapeutiques" and "Analyse de l'expression de la protéine AP après traitement au témozolomide ou radiothérapie dans le glioblastome". 


Nadia Merad Coliac en Résidence artistique de recherche

Assistée par Guillaume Thoraval, souffleur de l’université Paris cité, Nadia a elle-même créé des pièces en verre. Elle a été accueillie par le Fab-Lab de Paris Sorbonne, au labo de biologie pour la mise en culture et l’entretien des bactéries. L’œuvre   présentée les 23 et 24 mai a reçu un franc succès et la qualité, ainsi que la démarche scientifique et artistique ont impressionnés les professionnels du milieu de l’art et les membres de l’institut de France, à laquelle est affiliée la fondation Laccolade.

Une exposition collective est prévue pour l’année prochaine.

