Neural Plasticity and Degeneration


Chiara et Thaïs sélectionnées à l'action Parrainage Jeunes Chercheurs de l'association France Alzheimer

Congratulations to Chiara Bordier (SynapTau team) and Thaïs Lestra (Neural Plasticity and Degeneration team), who have been selected by the France Alzheimer's association for their "Parrainage Jeunes Chercheurs" initiative. The objective of this program is to support young researchers throughout their three-year thesis. We are proud of them!


Journée de la Recherche de la Faculté de Pharmacie 2023

Comme chaque année la Faculté de Pharmacie de Marseille met à l'honneur ses doctorants, chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs lors de sa Journée de la Recherche qui avait lieu cette année le 12 octobre 2023;  Au cours de cette journée les enseignants chercheurs de la faculté Pascale Barbier, François Devred, Hervé Kovacic (équipe 9), et Alessandra Pagano (équipe 8) accompagnés de  Chiara Bastiancich, Aurélie Souberan (équipe 8) et Maud Gratuze (équipe 2') étaient présents po


New article from NPD Team 1 published in the Journal of Neuroinflammation

The latest article for NPD team 1 has been published this month into the Journal of Neuroinflammation.

Membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase 5 (MT5-MMP) deficiency in the 5xFAD mouse model of Alzheimer's disease reduces brain neuroinflammation along with amyloidosis, and prevents deficits in synaptic activity and cognition in prodromal stages of the disease. In addition, MT5-MMP deficiency prevents interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β)-mediated inflammation in the peripheral nervous system.


New Post-doctoral fellow in team 1

Neural Plasticity and Degeneration team has recently welcomed Shweta SONAWANE.

Shweta is from Mumbai (India) she did her Ph.D. at the Biochemical sciences division of CSIR - National Chemical Laboratory in Pune (India).

Her doctoral research was largely focused on Tau pathology in Alzheimer’s disease studying in particular the effect of glycated and phosphorylated Tau on cytoskeleton integrity as well as aggregation propensity in order to find small molecules that could attenuate Tau aggregation and prevent its glycation.


New students in NPD team

Camille Cecchin and Ivan Ramos, have recently joined the INP in the Neural Plasticity and Degeneration team (team 1) led by Santiago RIVERA.

Camille, engineer student at Polytech Marseille, is doing a 2 month internship working on the role of MT5-MMP in the APP metabolism using an inducible neuroblastoma cell line as a new cellular tool.


Laura Garcia Gonzalez (Team 1) successfully defended her thesis

After several years of hard and serious work, Laura Garcia Gonzalez (Neural Plasticity and Degeneration, Team 1) successfully defended her thesis last year (07/02/2020). Her project allowed to better understand the molecular mechanisms of actions of MT-MMPs (in particular MT5) involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer Disease (AD). Her work has paved the way for many other research projects that altogether could lead to fight against AD.


Dominika Pilat (Team 1) on the Neurobinar #4 (NeuroMarseille) !

Dominika Pilat will be presenting on the Neurobinar #4 on January 21 at 4 pm on Zoom.

For this fourth edition, NeuroMarseille is pleased to welcome Cédric Maurange (IBDM), Dominika Pilat (INP) and Borloz Émilie (MMG). Dominika Pilat and Borloz Émilie will introduce their respective theses in a cross presentation. After a question session, Cédric Maurange (IBDM) will explain his research on genetic programmes modifying the properties of neural stem cells during development.
