New publication from the NeuroCyto team in Nature Communications: Perform advanced microscopy experiments thanks to NanoJ-Fluidics

Date de l'évènement: 
Vendredi, 15 Mars, 2019

The LEGO Pumpy (or more officially NanoJ-Fluidics) paper is out in Nature Communications! A joint venture between the INP NeuroCyto team and the Henriques lab, this article (previously available as a preprint on bioRxiv) details how to build a fully open-source multi-channel syringe pumps with LEGO and Arduino. We provide examples on how to use it directly on the microscope for complex imaging protocols: live-to-fixed correlative acquisitions, image-analysis triggered fixation, sequential imaging… Check the video we put together showing the possibilities:

In the lab, we used Pumpy to perform complex STORM/PAINT multiplexed acquisitions and were able to get a 5-color super-resolved images of actin, mitochondria, intermediate filaments, microtubules and clathrin. Check also the CRNS news on our paper (in French)!