GlioME team and PETRA"TECH" platform: a new paper is out in Neuro-Oncology!

Event date: 
Tuesday, 10 September, 2024

Because generation of patient avatar for preclinical therapeutic development is critically needed in neuro-oncology, the GlioME team in collaboration with the PETRA"TECH" platform developed an easy method to generate tumoroids from primary and metastatic brain tumors, including a dedicated 3D spatial analysis workflow for drug development.

This work is now published in Neuro-Oncology: Brain tumoroids: treatment prediction and drug development for brain tumors with fast, reproducible and easy-to-use personalized models.

Congratulations to all the authors, especially Aurélie Soubéran who developed this fast, reproducible, low-cost and easy-to-use method of tumoroids generation and analysis and who offers now her expertise to the scientific community through the PETRA"TECH" platform.