The GlioME team has obtained a "Action Structurante" funding for the creation of the PETRA facility

Date de l'évènement: 
Mercredi, 26 Octobre, 2022

Emeline Tabouret and Aurélie Tchoghandjian, in collaboration with Thierry Virolle's team at the l'Institut de Biologie Valrose in Nice, are among the two winners to have obtained "Action structurante" funding from the Cancéropôle PACA.

This funding aims to structure the neuro-oncology at the preclinical and translational level in the region (between Marseille and Nice) and will be used to create the PETRA (PrEclinical and TRAnslational Research) platform on these two sites.

Aim of the platform: To provide, develop and structure the neuro-oncology regional community around 3D preclinical brain tumor models to promote, accelerate and improve brain tumor research from bench to bedside and from bedside to bench. The platform will be dedicated to adult primitive brain tumors (low and high grade, mainly gliomas), and brain metastases.
Bench to bed: To use adequate and dedicated preclinical models to answer to specific scientific and mechanistic questions and to accelerate and improve the pretherapeutic development.
Bed to bench: To facilitate the transfer of bed to bench through a structured translational neuro-oncological network improving the quality and the speed of research (clinical, radiological data and biobanking).