ICI Seminar Series: Pr Etienne Meylan

Tuesday, 7 March, 2023 - 14:00
Ending date: 
Tuesday, 7 March, 2023 - 15:00
Amphi 4, Faculty of Medicine, Timone campus, 5th floor red section

The INP and the C2VN organize the next seminar series of The Institute of Cancer and Immunology (ICI)


We will have the pleasure to welcome Pr. Etienne Meylan (PhD, Belgium)

The title of his seminar will be "Tumor-associated neutrophils in the immunotherapy era".


His research work focuses on neutrophils and lung cancer.

We invite you to visit the Meylan lab website for more informations.


During this day, a master class with the students (11h15-12h15), moments of exchange with the PIs (morning and after the seminar) and a seminar (14h) are planned.

Reserve your day to meet Pr Meylan!



The organization comittee,

Elisa DOUKBI (C2VN, PhD student)

Victoria HEIN (INP, PhD student)

Emmanuel SNACEL-FAZY (INP, PhD student)