

Francois Devred

François Devred


Emeline Tabouret

Emeline Tabouret

Deputy director

Santiago Rivera

Santiago Rivera

Deputy director

Gaelle Capraz

Gaelle Capraz

Deputy director




Governance Bodies

The Management Commitee

It is made of :

The director: François Devred,

3 deputy directors: Emeline Tabouret, Santiago Rivera, Gaelle Capraz

General secretary: Armelle Bonpain


Team Leader Council

It is made of :

The director: François Devred,

11 team leaders

Santiago Rivera,

Maud Gratuze,

Khrestchatisky Michel,

Sarah Moyon,

Sophie Desplat-Jégo

Emmanuel Nivet,

Christophe Leterrier,

Aurélie Tchoghandjian/Emeline Tabouret 

Hervé Kovacic,

L'houssine Ouafik

Gaelle Capraz

General secretary: Armelle Bonpain

Laboratory Council

The Laboratory Council comprises 16 members:

The director: François Devred,

3 deputy directors: Emeline Tabouret, Santiago Rivera, Gaelle Capraz

8 elected members:

College of teachers-researchers, researchers or similar: 5 members:

A representative of researchers Emmanuel Nivet

A representative of teacher-researchers Alessandra Pagano

A representative of hospital teacher-researchers Jean-Philippe DALES

One representative for post-docs Theresa Wiesner

One doctoral student representative Jehanne Aghzadi

College of administrative staff (IT and BIATSS): 3 members

Nathalie Baeza-Kallee

Géraldine Ferracci

Fabrice Parrat

4 appointed members:

General secretary: Armelle Bonpain

LabCom Director: Khrestchatisky Michel

H&S correspondent: Anne Bernard or Diane Allegro

Eco-responsible correspondent: Louise Greetham

and a guest expert representing Vect-Horus: Florence Ferchat or Marion David


I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot;  together we can do great things.