It is made of :
The director: François Devred,
3 deputy directors: Emeline Tabouret, Santiago Rivera, Gaelle Capraz
General secretary: Armelle Bonpain
It is made of :
The director: François Devred,
11 team leaders
Santiago Rivera,
Maud Gratuze,
Khrestchatisky Michel,
Sarah Moyon,
Sophie Desplat-Jégo
Emmanuel Nivet,
Christophe Leterrier,
Aurélie Tchoghandjian/Emeline Tabouret
Hervé Kovacic,
L'houssine Ouafik
Gaelle Capraz
General secretary: Armelle Bonpain
The Laboratory Council comprises 16 members:
The director: François Devred,
3 deputy directors: Emeline Tabouret, Santiago Rivera, Gaelle Capraz
8 elected members:
College of teachers-researchers, researchers or similar: 5 members:
A representative of researchers Emmanuel Nivet
A representative of teacher-researchers Alessandra Pagano
A representative of hospital teacher-researchers Jean-Philippe DALES
One representative for post-docs Theresa Wiesner
One doctoral student representative Jehanne Aghzadi
College of administrative staff (IT and BIATSS): 3 members
Nathalie Baeza-Kallee
Géraldine Ferracci
Fabrice Parrat
4 appointed members:
General secretary: Armelle Bonpain
LabCom Director: Khrestchatisky Michel
H&S correspondent: Anne Bernard or Diane Allegro
Eco-responsible correspondent: Louise Greetham
and a guest expert representing Vect-Horus: Florence Ferchat or Marion David
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