Learning how to better understand the human brain
École universitaire de recherche Marseille NeuroSchool
Marseille hosts the second French community of neuroscientists and neurologists (the Neuropolis federation), the first French community of neuro-biotechs and the third university hospital in Europe. Covering the entire scope of neuroscience, Marseille neuroscience community has received many marks of recognition: 2 labels of excellence for graduate training (A*Midex funding for AMU MSc and PhD programmes), 2 University Hospital Federations (on neurodegenerative diseases and epilepsy), 1 Equipex (Neuro-Imaging), and 13 European (ERC) grants.
In 2018, AMU neuroscience community was awarded a grant of 10 millions euros, over 10 years, for managing a graduate school (NeuroSchool) in neuroscience. Together, the neuroscience BSc, MSc and PhD, in collaboration with Neuropolis, the University Hospital Centre, two Convergence Institutes (CenTuri, ILCB), three private companies, and Ecole des Mines engineering school will:
- amplify the initiated educational innovations (problem-based learning, role-playing games, online courses) and introduce new ones (FabLabs, reverse classes, digital tools);
- develop training for and by researchby incorporating training further within laboratories, by deepening disciplinary and multidisciplinary courses;
- improve the attractiveness of our training by funding foreign PhD students, coordinating with our international partners to award mobility fellowships, financing co-supervised PhDs, establishing double degrees, and creating summer schools and conferences;
- stimulate the diversity of the backgrounds of future neuroscientists, for example by forming medical students to the scientific method, while helping neuroscience students to continue in medicine or in clinical research;
- improve professional integration by setting up a customised career monitoring and training towards either academic, clinical or industrial research, or scientific communication.
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